

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Case Studies



The sustainable income stream offered by Amazon attracts millions of sellers each year, despite most product categories being high in competition. Many sellers fall out of the market because they are unable to outrank their competitors’ strategies and resources.

In this case study we discuss how a product launched by Zelevate in a highly competitive niche began yielding up to £10,000 per month. Our client’s product (belonging to the Home and Kitchen category of Amazon) was launched in March 2021 in the UK market exclusively. After the launch phase, the average monthly sales crawled up to £40,000 making a profit of £10,000 per month – which reflect incredible success.

Product Sales 

Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR) of the product is of key importance because this ultimately determines the sales and profitability of a product. Using strategic solutions to any possible ranking issues, the product was launched in March. In the month of May, the sales boosted to a remarkable £40,000 revenue with 3,896 units sold. Per day revenue generated reached up to £211.63.


Sales History

Sales history refers to the sales made within a certain period on a monthly or daily basis. The sales history dashboard reveals that from the last 1 month (27. 04. 2021 to 27. 05. 2021), 3916 units were sold against a revenue generation of £40,383.44.


Helium Keyword Tracker

Sale ranks show how good a product is selling in relation to other products under the same category – Home and Kitchen category for instance. We say that you are ranking more highly in Amazon searches when people search for a particular keyword and your product pops up on top in the results. Helium 10 recent keyword tracker reveals that product launched by Zelevate has ranked in top 10 for 82,000 search results, bringing 100 organic orders per day. This was a breakthrough in our expected sales.



A competitive advantage in a specific product niche/category on Amazon could only be achieved through careful and calculated strategies. Expertise employed by our team at Zelevate has got remarkable profits and sales on this account, and several other accounts. Our 100% success rate speaks for commitment and expertise of our team.

If you want to start your business on Amazon or want a boost in your pre-existing business, you can schedule a free consultation call to discuss the possible strategies for it. Drop a comment below if you have any queries regarding this case study or about Amazon.


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